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Has many years of production experience in valve parts

 © 2018 Jiangsu Huatai Power Meter Co., Ltd.  Changzhou  苏ICP备19051721号-1

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Advanced production equipment


Sales hotline: 0511-88516648

Technical telephone: 0511-88516322

Company Fax: 0511-88516649


We promote development with science and technology

Craftsmanship to create products, sincere to customers




owner entry name owner entry name
Future energy Chemical Co., Ltd 1 million T / a coal indirect liquefaction demonstration project - gas power generation, gasification framework Fischer Tropsch synthesis, low temperature methanol washing, circulating water, battery limit power supply, low hydrocarbon recovery Refrigeration station, sulfur recovery, whole plant process and external heating pipe, automobile loading and unloading platform Shift and heat recovery, coal slurry preparation, decarbonization, compressor plant, nitrogen storage China Chemical Sixth Construction Co., Ltd Wuhai coal coking project